Corona Virus Misinformation


While some people brush off the coronavirus as "just another flu,"
in reality it isn't like the flu at all. Covid-19 has been
described by some doctos as most similar to a bad case of pneumonia
but really there is nothing exactly the same as Covid-19. Some
common symptoms include fever, a dry cough, fatigue, loss of apetite
and/or loss of taste and smell, body aches, and shortness of breath.
However, symptoms usually show up somewhere between two and fourteen
days and some people don't show any symtoms so it's best to social
distance and take all other necessary precations just incase.


One misconception having to do with Covid-19 is that masks can cause
harm or even death to those who wear them. There is no evidence to
suggest that wearing masks constricts your breathing. As long as your
mask is on correctly you should be able to breath fine. Another
misconception about masks is that they cause carbon dioxide poisoning.
As long as your mask is not air-tight there will still be room for oxygen
to get into your mask and carbon dioxide to go out. Overall there are far
more benefits to wearing masks than not unless you have a diagnosed
medical issue which prevents you from doing so.


Hydroxychloroquine is a drug commonly used to treat arthritis but
it was also used to stop the replication of the SARS virus which
is where this misconception came from. Hydroxychloroquine was
tested to see if it could stop the spread of the coronavirus and
some studies even point to the conclusion that it does stop the
coronavirus from replicating but these studies have been
debunked as biased and misleading and in other trials people
have seen bad side effect while there is little to no change
in the virus itself.

Are Young Preople Immune?

No, young people are not immune from the coronavirus. While
healthy younger people do tend to show less symptoms than someone
older, with a weaker immune system, they are not immune. Many
young people feel safe with this information but you can still
be hospitalized regardless of your age. Younger people are also
more likely to vape which can increase the severity of Covid-19
symptoms. And the U.S. is seeing increasing cases of young people
with covid-related kidney failure and heart attacks. Either
way getting Covid-19 is not a risk people should be willing to
take and even if you don't show symptoms your parents or
grandmother might so it's best to be safe.

Conspiracy Theories

Due to social media, rumors spread like wildfire, most of which
arent remotely true. Even the United States President has spread
false information about the coronavirus. Some of these conspiracies
include believing covid-19 was human made, Bill gates wants
to put a microchip in the vaccine, and countless more theories.
It's important to rember that none of these conspiracies have
backing in true facts so it's best to believe what the scientists and
specialists believe.